Previous efforts to collect data through traditional survey methods have produced less than acceptable results. Access Database. Energy consumption in buildings is a complicated set of interactions among building components. Energy engineers at the Energy Center of Wisconsin developed the Back-of-the-Envelope Calculator to provide greater initial insight into the energy usage and environmental impacts of a proposed commercial building project.
The calculator is available for free download and lets you see real-time energy connections among building components, isolate the effects of a change to a single energy parameter or produce concept-level energy estimates. Not only can you see real-time energy connections, but you can calculate total CO 2 emissions for a building from both electricity and gas consumption. The recently upgraded Back-of-the-Envelope Calculator is more versatile as well.
There are three main components Compressor, Evaporator and Condenser. All you need to do is solve the simultaneous equations for the two unknowns, evaporating temperature and condensing temperature. One of the features of this program is that it shares information with other programs.
There are two coils in an air cooled system. These coils can be found in our CoilSim library. In this form you can enter the evaporating and condensing temperatures and browse through the database. As you do this, the duty of the compressor is calculated at specified conditions.
How's that for a time saver? I remember manually hunting through my various catalogs for a suitable compressor. The problem with the paper catalog is that you have to manually interpolate to find the duty. This compressor selector takes proper account of the superheat and the sub-cooling of the selected compressor since the reference conditions are stored in the compressor database.
If you would like me to add a specific compressor to the database, send me an email [] or post a message to the guestbook of this web site. Once you have a system balance, all that remains is to select line sizes and the TX Valve or the capillary tube. The program has a build in refrigerant line size calculator.
Just click on the refrigerant line on the schematic and the line size dialog will appear. RefSim is actually more than it appears to be on the surface. This is because electronics are the implementers of technology, and thus they are of great importance. Now, at the core of electronic products is circuits and thus it is equally important to acknowledge the contribution they have brought, and this could not have been as successful without circuit simulation software.
PartSim is a circuit simulation software that allows the electronic engineer to design and test various circuit designs. The software is web-based, and thus you will be able to do all the work right from your browser and thus no footprint. Qucs is an abbreviation for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator and it is a circuit simulation software that can be used for integrated circuits.
As it is, for now, the software is developed on the Linux platform and work on the same, and there has been no attempt to develop it for other platforms yet.
CircuitLab is a circuit simulation software that offers powerful and useful simulations while deploying effortless schematics. With this software, you will be able to design with our easy-to-use schematic editor and get professional schematic PDFs, wiring diagrams, and plots. Moreover, the best part is that you do not need to do an installation. With the majority of the software and applications preferring to be web based, it is not necessary to consider the platform.
However, it is worth noting that there are still some tools that are platform dependent and as such one should also put it into consideration. The software is easy to use and is capable of handling both digital and analog designs thus making it a one stop tool.
With this tool, you will get a simulation with every change. MacSpice is a circuit simulation software for the Mac devices using the Intel processors. The software offers support for both bit and bit configuration. The software is provided free, and this made possible by the Dropbox ability to give free bandwidth that is sufficient for file sharing.
EveryCircuit is a circuit simulation software designed for the Android platform. With this app, you will be able to design and simulate a wide range of circuits and thus be able to come up with the best. The tool can also be used in making users understand how circuits work. With this software, the users can achieve a lot more from the online community of enthusiasts who are always willing to help.